Hipo Movies and TV Shows

Hipo Movies and TV Shows v1.2.6.5 MOD APK ()

App Name Hipo Movies and TV Shows
Size 18M
Latest Version
MOD Info Mod APK, Unlock Premium
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4.6/5 (7 votes)
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MOD Info

Ads removed / disabled;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Ads Permissions / Services / Providers removed from Android.manifest;
Ads links removed and invokes methods nullified;
Ads layouts visibility disabled;
Debug code removed;
Remove default .source tags name of the corresponding java files;
Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase disabled;
Disabled startup social dialog;
No forced update;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;

HiPo is a risk management app platform developed by DNV GL that offers a range of apps to prevent human injury, environmental damage, and other losses. The platform provides step-by-step instructions and tried and tested analysis tools in 30 languages to make risk management easy and accessible for everyone. HiPo is available on your phone, tablet, or desktop, making it easy to access and use from anywhere.


Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (SCAT) is one of the risk management apps available through HiPo. SCAT is designed to help organizations learn from accidents and other high-potential events to prevent further losses. With 50 years of experience in incident investigation, SCAT is a highly efficient tool for root cause analysis. The app provides step-by-step instructions and analysis tools, making it easy to use and accessible to organizations worldwide in 30 languages.

SCAT helps organizations identify the underlying causes of incidents and accidents to prevent them from happening again. By following a structured and systematic approach, organizations can identify the root cause of an incident and take corrective action to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. SCAT is essential for any organization looking to improve its safety performance.


The Marine Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (MSCAT) is a subset of the SCAT methodology developed specifically for use in maritime settings. The goal of developing MSCAT was to provide shipping companies with a tool for analyzing and learning from incidents at sea. MSCAT is the ideal instrument for maritime organizations to investigate and prevent accidents and events at sea thanks to its tailored adaption for maritime use.

Like SCAT, MSCAT uses a systematic approach to investigating occurrences at sea. Ship owners and operators can learn from marine accidents by using a systematic method to determine what went wrong and how to avoid it from happening again. If your shipping company aims to increase safety and reduce mishaps at sea, then you need MSCAT.


Barrier-Based Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (BSCAT) is another root cause analysis method available through HiPo. BSCAT is suitable for more complex process safety accidents like fires and explosions. BSCAT first assesses the accident to determine all the failed barriers contributing to the accident. Then, the SCAT method is applied to each failed barrier to identify the underlying management system failures.

BSCAT provides organizations with a powerful method for root cause analysis, making it an essential app for risk management. By following a structured approach, organizations can identify the root cause of an accident and take corrective action to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

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  • To prevent users from installing apk files from outside, Google Play has now added a warning when installing apks & mods. PlayProtect will tell you the file is harmful. Simply, just click “Install anyway (unsafe)”.


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